The Dormitory Stephen at Songsim Campus aims to nurture “true intellectuals” by providing amenities for enrolled students from distant regions and foreign students. This will allow students to experience a variety of cultures in this era of globalization and to learn respect and autonomy through group life.

The Dormitory Stephen is located on the 4th through the 15th floors of the Cardinal Kim Sou Hwan International Hub Center, which was completed in September 2009 for the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the CUK. It has 341 rooms for 1,068 students, four rooms for the disabled (8 persons), and 46 rooms of guest houses, being capable of accommodating around 1,200 persons.

Each floor of the Dormitory has laundry rooms, vendor machines, water purifiers, and bathrooms. The 4th floor has a rest area and a reading room (with 12 seats). The 1st floor of the International Hub has a convenience store, café, laundry room, cafeteria, reading room, media room, gyms, and global lounge.

Website of Dormitory Stephen